Sunday, April 28, 2013

Savings back on track! April 28

Over the past two weekends, I was able to get back on track after all the drama with my husband's surgery.

We FINALLY got carpet in Austin's room and got his decorations hung up and toys moved back in.  Ryan couldn't lift anything for 2 weeks, so we were blessed to have some family members and our home teacher from church help us get the heavy stuff in after the carpet install.  We found a desk we liked for the room on, then looked on Amazon and found it cheaper there.  By the time it arrived, Ryan was released from restrictions so he put it together.  Austin loves his new room!

I made granola bars and 4 large loaves a french bread the past two weekends.

I made a double batch of buttermilk pancakes and applesauce oatmeal cookies for quick breakfasts.

I made a beef roast in the crockpot last weekend.  I used the leftovers to make a beef stew for the following night and also set aside some of the meat for 2 lunches at work.  I pureed the leftover stew and froze it in cubes for baby food dinners.

I cooked a pork roast for dinner and added BBQ sauce to the leftovers for pulled pork sandwiches the next day.

A friend gave me some lettuce from her garden which we ate with several meals over the past two weeks.

I had several opportunities to serve this week which was such a blessing after the service we received while Ryan was recovering.  We had the missionaries over for dinner this week and I brought a meal over to one of the sisters I visit teach.  I baked a vanilla sheet cake for a surprise baby shower for a coworker.

I made baby food peaches, pears, carrots, and potatoes.

Ryan doesn't like the homemade dishwasher detergent I made so I tried another variation.  Hoping this one will be better.  This time I am using washing soda instead of regular baking soda with equal parts Borax and then half parts epsom salt. If anyone out there has a good recipe they use, please share!  I am on my second one found on Pinterest.  You're also supposed to add Lemon Shine, but I don't have that so will also try that next time I go shopping.

I used a regular garbage bag to line the Diaper Genie instead of paying a fortune for the refill packs.  I sprayed the bottom with Lysol and put a cup of baking soda in the bag to absorb odors.

Please share what you have done to save money!

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