Sunday, November 16, 2014

Who will profit this holiday season?

I know... it's been awhile since I've updated Viva Mom.  It's been crazy around here and I'm still trying to process that this baby will be here in just about 6 weeks!  Even though I'm six months shy of "advanced maternal age", I am still considered high risk due to my medical history.  This means that I am now weekly with my OB and twice a week for fetal monitoring with the perinatologist.  I also have been going to the chiropractor and getting accupuncture weekly to help manage my pain.  If I learned how to relax, I would probably be much better off, but I can't sit still and have been busy getting things ready on the home front and at work for my long term sub.

So now that the holidays are upon us, I have some things on my mind.  My question is, who will profit from this holiday season?  We've seen the Christmas candy and decorations go up right after Halloween, we've seen Facebook blow up with how great Costco is that they are still honoring Thanksgiving for their employees and we've seen the "leaked Black Friday ads".  I used to love Black Friday.  In fact, it was a tradition growing up.  I used to do Walmart's Black Friday just to get great deals on general items when I was still building up the things I needed for my house.  I had all sorts of great strategies to guarantee I got what I wanted and get in and out as quickly as possible.  Well, as my family has grown, and the crowds have become increasingly insane, it just takes too much time away from my family.  With my current lifestyle, shopping in general has become a time burden to my personal productivity, so I mostly shop online, make it myself, or buy in bulk.

This year, I want to make sure my family profits from this holiday season.  I refuse to be a holiday shopping season statistic.  When Austin was much younger we started to guide him in thinking about a really good gift to ask Santa.  I try to encourage gifts that will last or foster education or activity.  In the past, he's received a bike (still riding 2 years later), Leap Pad (still using 3 years later and now Amilia uses it too), Nintendo DS (last year), and train set (still playing this after 4 years).  I like learning/gaming systems because they can grow with the child and new games keep them interesting.  The "Santa gift" is the main splurge we spend on our kids.  They get around 3-4 simpler gifts from us that might be a clothing item, book, small toy, or handmade item.  We plan ahead for the expensive purchases and complete our shopping in October.  This year, all of their gifts were purchased online from Amazon or from friends on Facebook that have small businesses.  I am also making something for each of them.  I ordered their books from the Scholastic book order through Austin's teacher, so his teacher will profit from the purchase with points for free books for the classroom.  I only do consumables in their stockings such as toothbrush/paste, character kleenex, lip balm, activity book, or candy.  I try to encourage grandparents to keep the gifts simple.  Sometimes we coordinate gifts that will go together such as Amilia is getting a play kitchen this year, so my mother in law is getting dishes to go with it.  Austin still loves his Nintendo DS, so I gave her some suggestions for new games that he would like.  My mom set up mutual funds for the kids, so she puts money in their accounts and gives one small gift.

For other family members, I try to find something thoughtful or unique.  Grandparents always get updated pictures of the kids and will give cash for my older nephews.  In the past I've also done handmade gifts with the kids' prints.  One of my favorite businesses on FB is "Metal Stampin Mama". She makes great personalized jewelry creations and occasionally posts specials on her page.  All the females in my family have received a creation by her at one time or another!  It gives me so much joy to support small businesses, especially when they are moms raising their kids at home and working hard to contribute to their family. Ryan and I decided this year we would wait to see what his year end bonus is going to be and hopefully get a new computer as our gift to each other.

So now that the shopping is done, my family will profit from this season.  I will plan ahead to avoid all stores during Thanksgiving weekend so we can spend it together baking, crafting, decorating, and attending some of the local holiday events.  This month we have been writing and sharing our blessings and next month we will continue the tradition started last year which is writing and sharing our acts of kindness and service.  Then, by the end of December, we will meet our baby girl, which is the greatest gift we could ever hope to receive.

My wish for you all is that these next 6 weeks will be filled with love and joy and that it will be you and your family profiting from the season.

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